quarta-feira, 19 de março de 2008

Malawi - 1st week...

Time seems to go by really slowly around here. I'm settling down well, i guess, and still waiting for that first terrible case of food poisoning. I'm sure it is bound to happen sometime... :)

My days can be summarized like this: I wake up at 6:30h, take a shower, go and have breakfast and sit down in front of the Tv watching the news and (surprisingly enough, some portuguese football matches sometimes!). At around 7:30h or 7:45h a driver from the MLW comes and picks me up to take me to work. At work right now there is not much to do. I still need some consumables to arrive, and I need to have everything settled with the study nurse that will collect the blood for me in Thyolo Hospital (about 40 min drive from here), but for one reason or another it is taking longer than I wanted. So... I read, read... and... oh yeah... I read. Of course I already had meetings with a buzzillion people, and had to organize lots of simple things that here don't seem to be so simple...

I go home at around 19h, have dinner with the other guest at the Guest House (all doctors, all german...) and then it is time for some other kind of reading: The Life of Pi. I'm really enjoying the book. Since I don't have a car and by 18:30h it is dark already i cannot go anywhere...

So, there you go... my life here... By the way, I'm going to travel a bit during this big weekend and I expect to take some pictures that I can put here! (if I can upload them, of course!) so... keep an eye on that! :)

See ya!

11 comentários:

Carla Marques disse...

Relax and enjoy! Try to have some fun too, if you can. Watch out for the food...
Helena is now in her 5th month of gestation, growing bigger, moving a lot... next week I'll be doing another ultra sound (I don't know if this is the correct word ;))and hopefully I'll be able to confirm if it really is a girl ;) lets hope so. Sónia has a photo of my belly...

Lots of kisses uncle Ricardo

Carla Marques disse...

Já agora...eu ganhei... tomem, tomem...

Luisa disse...

lol... escurece tão cedo!!!! A hora vai mudar. Vamos passar a ter dias maiores... Ainda bem...
Please try to meet as much as you can about that coutry to tell us all about it... Than.. one day you can write a book about your travels and evrything that you have seen..

Master TBack disse...

Please send pictures... i want to see the Hell hole you're in! LOL

Playing lot of computer games or not even that?

About soccer here i portugal... bloody championsip never ends... we need the new season fast!!!

sónia fernandes disse...

That is what i call a nice report!

What about mosquits, do they like you, those beautiful femeal criatures?
do you whant a little of my blood and smell ;) ? ehehhehe

bring the pictures, pretty face! leave you with beijiiiiiii

Anónimo disse...

Be careful, don't feed too muck mosquitos. It's not good to make them obese too much :P

Pedro Costa disse...

Boas meu caro, tal como foi dito, aproveita p descansar uma beca e ver a paisagem... e real/ a ideia de escreveres um livro, nao me parece nada mal... com ajuda aqui do blog, é num instante :p


Bruno Carvalho disse...

Eu só tenho um sugestão (que é um tanto para o parva): traz confetis, ajuda sempre nas festas :D

Anónimo disse...

Puto como estás?? Vidinha santa, com motorista e tudo, quando chegares a portugal, vais andar é com o motorista do 11 ou do 2. Puto é só para te mandar um abraço. fica bem.

Anónimo disse...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Celulite, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://eliminando-a-celulite.blogspot.com. A hug.

Master TBack disse...

Acho que este ultimo comentário sobre celulite vai provocar algumas pessoas! hihihi...